Thursday, May 5, 2011

Top 5 Blogging Mistakes You Must Avoid

1. Make sure your English, grammar and spelling, is up to par and can be understood by International Readers as colloquial language that is used in your local area may not be understood by some one else a few thousand miles away. Also don't use a crappy title for your blog. An eye catchy title can work miracles and is like fish bait.

Helpful Tips to Earn Income from Blogging

Internet is the best way to generate income through blog or website. Blogs are the easy way to make money without having to work too much and its easy to setup.

What is a blog?
A blog is online dairy that displays data/content in chronological order. It displays the content in descending order with date and time. A blog is easily picked and crawled fastly by the search engines. So it is a good way to direct traffic to the desired websites. Regular updation and little seo work will increase the ranking of the blog in search engines and it can play and important role in selling the products or inform the users about the new products added on the website.

Articles Role in Search Engine Optimization

As I already mentioned about the role of backlink these days. It is difficult to get one-way link these days. But blog services and article directories make it easy. Use of article directories and blogs to increase the backlinks of the website. There are many directories where you can publish your articles.

List of web directories

What is a web directory?

A website that categorizes other websites by human editors. Directory provides option to submit a website using its proper title and description.,,, etc are some of the top web-directories.

Role of directory in search engine optimization is very important. It provides vote to a website which is helpful in improving its search engine ranking. It is also a easy way to collect one-way back links.

MSN Optimization

Google and Yahoo , the most popular search engines uses almost same algorithm to display search result. Micorosoft search
engine uses different algorithm to display search result. To optimize for MSN search engine, note the following points :