Tuesday, June 14, 2011

List of “Dofollow” Forums & “Dofollow” Signatures

This is a top list of dofollow forums. This covers only forums related to webmaster, marketing, online moneymaking, and seo. If you are looking for any other forums, please visit my Forum Lists Category.
You may visit the following sites and post your ad in advertising folders or in forum signatures. If you know other similar forums, please don’t hesitate to leave a comment. A new window will open when you click on any link.
  1. 5Star Affiliate Forum – One of my favorite affiliate marketing forums.
  2. Ableton – Audio and musical forums
  3. Abestweb – Affiliate Marketing forum for both newbie and experienced affiliates to learn and earn more by sharing information about networks, merchants and best practices
  4. Abundance – Free advertising forum
  5. Addicsports - Baseball, basketball, and sports forum.
  6. Affiliateseeking.com – webmaster and affiliate forums.
  7. Acorn Domains – A growing community of UK Domain Name owners, buyers and sellers.
  8. Admin Zone Forums – Resources for community administrator and webmaster.
  9. Adult Webmaster Info – One of the largest “dofollow” adult webmaster forum.
  10. Affiliates4U – UK’s leading affiliate and marketing forums
  11. Allcoolforums - Online Free discussion board
  12. AMD Forums – official AMD processors support forum
  13. Baseballtalkpro – baseball forums.
  14. Blogger Forum – Focused on blogging community, monetizing and promotion of blogs.
  15. Blogger Talk – Forums for bloggers.
  16. Business Forum – business-related forums.
  17. BZ Image – SEO Forum – Web Design Help – Webmaster Forum – Web Hosting Talk
  18. Capital Theory – online moneymaking forum.
  19. Clickbank Success – A “dofollow” forum dedicated to clickbank users.
  20. Clicks Forum – Internet marketing for business.
  21. Cnet Forums – Software and technical forums.
  22. Code4gold – Free Webmaster Resources, Webmaster Tools and Search Engine Optimization
  23. Comic Book Resources – Discussion about comic books and resources
  24. David Castle – UK SEO & Internet Marketing Forums.
  25. Deviantart – Join the largest art community in the world!
  26. DDBoard – Domain name “dofollow” discussion board.
  27. Digitalppoint – Internet marketing and search engine forums
  28. DirectoryJunction – New but cool webmasters forum.
  29. Discuss Names – Another dofollow domain names discussion forum.
  30. DN Forum – Domain name sales, domain name appraisals, domain name discussions
  31. DN Lodge – Domain name and webmasters forums. Dofollow signature advertising.
  32. DN Scoop – Domain and webdevelopers forums.
  33. Domain Name Forums – Domain name discussion, appraisals, buys and sell, and domain marketplace.
  34. Dreamteam Money Forum – Moneymaking forums. One of the hottest moneymaking forums offering dofollow forum signature.
  35. Ecauldron – Pagan and religious forum
  36. Egadforum – general community forum.
  37. Ewealth.com – Internet Marketing and webmaster forum.
  38. Filesharingtalk – file sharing forum.
  39. Free Ad Forum – Dofollow free advertising forum
  40. Free Advertising Forum – Unlimited ad posting. Content and signatures both dofollow.
  41. Freewebspace – Free webhosting guides and forums.
  42. Fogengine – Web directories forum
  43. Geek Village – Large moneymaking “dofollow” forum.
  44. Gento Forum – technical and programming forum
  45. Golden Talk – High Yield Investment Programs forums.
  46. Googlecommunity – Everything about google
  47. GPT Boycott Forums – Get-paid-to forums and ratings.
  48. Hablarmierda – a Spanish dofollow forum
  49. Harmony Central – Musicians Community Forums
  50. Hit Tail – Real traffic, real time, real result.
  51. Hot4s Online Forum – Australia’s cars and motoring forums
  52. Hotsurfs – Focusing on making money out of autosurfing.
  53. HTML Forums – Free webmaster forums and help
  54. HYIPs Talk – High Yiled Investment Programs forums.
  55. IDN Forums – International domain names forums, sales, appraisals, and general discussion.
  56. Intel Forums – Intel software developers community forums.
  57. Im4newbies – Affiliate marketing forum guide for new affiliates.
  58. Internet Marketing for Business – Internet Marketing and SEO Webmaster Forums
  59. IQ 69 – Mainstream Webmasters Forum
  60. Iwebtool – Offers preview of site in signatures. Webmaster tools forum
  61. Lex224 - Computer and gaming forum.
  62. Live Journal – creating a community forum.
  63. Microsoft Forum – Official Microsoft support forum.
  64. Money Maker Group – Internet marketing and webmaster forum focusing on HYIPs.
  65. Movie Lists - Movies and show business.
  66. Moneyfanclub – A “dofollow” online moneymaking forum focusing on HYIPs and autosurfs.
  67. Mygamebuilder – gaming forum
  68. MySQL Forum – database and programming forums
  69. Namepros.com – An active community of domain name owners, investors, buyers, and sellers of all kinds
  70. Online Books Club – Book & Reading Discussion
  71. Oracle Forums – Support forum for Oracle
  72. Paganforum – pagan and religion forum
  73. Payment Processing – Online payment and credit card processing forums. Ecommerce forum.
  74. PhpBB Forum – official support community forum for PhpBB users.
  75. PokerBRB Forum – Anything about Poker
  76. Revenue Source - Affiliate Marketing and SEO forums
  77. Search Engine Forums – Discussion Forum of SEO and Webmaster Related Topics
  78. Search Engine Roundtabe – Search Engine Forums
  79. SEO Chat – Programming and development forum online. Folders for all programming languages.
  80. SEOForum – Australian SEO Forum
  81. SEO.com Forum – Search Engine Optimization discussion.
  82. SEO Guy – Search Engine Optimization Forum. Dofollow signature.
  83. Sidetalks – general forum
  84. Simplemachines – SMF official support forum.
  85. Siteowners – A dofollow webmasters forums
  86. Sitepoint – Webmaster and programming forums.
  87. Sitesell Forum – webmaster community forum
  88. Small Business Forum – A “dofollow” business forum for small entrepreneurs and online moneymakers.
  89. Startups – Business start-up and innovation forums
  90. Static-Subs – anime forums
  91. Submitexpress – Search engine forum
  92. Talkfreelance.com – Freelance webmasters, webdesign, and seo community.
  93. Tattoo – tattoo forums.
  94. Textpattern – textpattern support forums
  95. The Free Ad Forum – Largest free advertising forum now has a “dofollow” signature.
  96. The Green Nation – Another “dofollow” HYIP forum.
  97. The V7 – Webmaster Forums
  98. TheHYIPforum – Another “dofollow” forum owned by Talkgold. Best if you are promoting a HYIP site.
  99. TriPHP Webmaster Forums – TriPHP Webmaster Forums is a friendly Community for Webmasters of all experience levels
  100. Ubuntu Technical Forum – technical and PC-related forums.
  101. W3SEO – SEO forums
  102. Warrior Forums – Internet marketing and affiliate “dofollow” forum.
  103. Webdegity - webmaster forum
  104. Web Design Forums – The place for web designers. A dofollow forum.
  105. Web Developer – Generally about programming and scripting websites with sections on domain names, and other money related topics.
  106. Webicy – Webmaster community forums.
  107. Web Life – A HYIP forum sowned by Talkgold.
  108. Webhosting Canada – Industry Discussion, Webmaster Forum, Web Host Reviews and Deals forums.
  109. Webhosting Talk – Geared towards hosting resellers but has some relevant sections on making money selling hosting and running a website
  110. Webmaster Forums Online – News and Discussion Forums for Webmasters about SEO, Internet Marketing and Advertising, Website Design and Development, Web Hosting and General Topics.
  111. Webmasters Help – Webmaster and seo forum. Lionks on posts are “nofollow” but offer “dofollow” signatures.
  112. Webmaster-talk – Programming, webdesign, seo, and webmaster forums
  113. Webproworld – The world’s forum for ebusiness professionals.
  114. Webtalkforums – Webmaster Forum is a revenue sharing webmaster discussion forum
  115. Windows Forum – windows community forums.
  116. Winamp – Official winamp forum.
  117. Work at Home Moms – Moneymaking forum for Moms.
  118. Work-at-Home Moms – Internet marketing message boards for moms.
  119. World of Warcraft – online gaming forum
  120. Xandros – website design, themes, and lay out forums.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Link Building Tips

Off Page SEO or back linking is the back bone of search engine optimization. A back link is any link from one web page to another. Search engines like Google see back link’s sort of like a vote of recommendation, because it assumes the first website is linking to the second website because it’s content is good.

Here are some link building tips for you.

1. The greater the number of back links you have the better your chance of ranking, however there should be a variety of links. Do not limit yourself to article submission and press releases. You can create back links from different social media sites like Twitter, Facebook and YouTube. Building back links from other blogs and forums can also be considered.

2. Link only from authority sites or web pages with page ranking 3 and above. The higher the page rank of the web page the links are coming from the better since Google trust these websites. You can check a web page ranking through SEO Quake.

3. Link building must be done naturally, which involves a lot of work. There are many companies and individuals offering instant links. Do not buy these links as you can get penalized. A new website getting a thousand links on the first day will raise a red flag with Google. No one will believe that you built your links naturally because link building takes a lot of time and effort.

4. Avoid link exchanges. If you happened to link your website to an adult site or a known spammed content website, your page ranking will suffer.

There are a lot of other link building tips you can find online. But the best tip is to be patient in link building. Since you are aiming for a top spot in an organic search result this must be done naturally. This is not an overnight task it must be done every day because you’re competing with websites that have been doing it for years.

How To Get Backlinks

Submit to Directories

There are a lot of free web directories on the net now and there are an equal number of sites that list free web directories.
So your first step should be to visit every directory here and here and submit your link to every free web directory you can find.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Top 5 Blogging Mistakes You Must Avoid

1. Make sure your English, grammar and spelling, is up to par and can be understood by International Readers as colloquial language that is used in your local area may not be understood by some one else a few thousand miles away. Also don't use a crappy title for your blog. An eye catchy title can work miracles and is like fish bait.

Helpful Tips to Earn Income from Blogging

Internet is the best way to generate income through blog or website. Blogs are the easy way to make money without having to work too much and its easy to setup.

What is a blog?
A blog is online dairy that displays data/content in chronological order. It displays the content in descending order with date and time. A blog is easily picked and crawled fastly by the search engines. So it is a good way to direct traffic to the desired websites. Regular updation and little seo work will increase the ranking of the blog in search engines and it can play and important role in selling the products or inform the users about the new products added on the website.

Articles Role in Search Engine Optimization

As I already mentioned about the role of backlink these days. It is difficult to get one-way link these days. But blog services and article directories make it easy. Use of article directories and blogs to increase the backlinks of the website. There are many directories where you can publish your articles.

List of web directories

What is a web directory?

A website that categorizes other websites by human editors. Directory provides option to submit a website using its proper title and description. Dmoz.org, Yahoo.com, zeal.com, etc are some of the top web-directories.

Role of directory in search engine optimization is very important. It provides vote to a website which is helpful in improving its search engine ranking. It is also a easy way to collect one-way back links.